The Best Buying Experience

Your dream home awaits

We are relentless about helping our clients realize their dreams so that at the end of the day they can emerge with a house you’re proud to call home, and the confidence you made the right decision. We take our responsibility of helping our clients through the buying journey very seriously. We realize this is probably one of the largest financial purchases you’ll ever make, and you can count on me to be your guide, your counselor, and your fiercest advocate every step of the way.

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who we are
The best home, at the best price

Full-Service Buying Experience

Buying a home is more than just finding the right property. You need an expert who understands the local market and the unique challenges it faces. We have the strategies, resources, and tools to guide you from start to finish, seamlessly.

Property Search

A curated shopping experience with recommendations specifically tailored to meet or excess your expectations.

Industry Experience

Work with a team who has knowledge and remarkable experience in the local market, with countless awards,  & thousands of transactions.


Thanks to our vast knowledge of market conditions and comp sales, we’ll be able to help you drum up a competitive offer at the best possible price.

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You want to buy a home

Where do you begin

Once you’ve found the home you can see yourself living in, what’s next? There are many steps to go through before you can officially call yourself a homeowner. I will guide you through this process, but in the meantime, here’s a preview of what you can expect.

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When making an offer on a home, I will negotiate on your behalf to attain the best terms for you. This can include negotiating the price, repair costs, timelines, and contingencies.


This is the legal contract between the buyer and seller once the buyer’s offer has been accepted by the seller. It outlines the terms and conditions of the sale and is signed by both parties.


Once the Purchase and Sale Agreement is signed, a home inspector is hired to examine the home’s health, safety, and major mechanical systems. If any issues arise from an inspection, the buyer may be able to renegotiate their offer or ask for remedies.


After your offer is accepted, the next step is to get final loan approval. During this process the lender will decide if they’re willing to approve your mortgage based on things like your creditworthiness, the title history, and appraisal of the home you want to buy.


This is a report for you and your lender detailing the history of the home you’re buying to ensure there are no legal barriers to purchasing it.


Escrow is a legal arrangement in which a third party temporarily holds money or property until a particular condition has been met (such as the fulfillment of a purchase agreement). It’s used in real estate transactions to protect both the buyer and the seller throughout the home buying process.

07. Closing

Ownership is transferred from the seller to the buyer, closing costs are paid, and documents are signed. After closing is finalized and recorded, the home is yours!


how to buy like a pro

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Comprehensive Real EstateBuyer's Guide

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Learn How To Buy Like A Pro!

If you’re in the market for a new home, check out these 11 tips on how to find the best possible real estate deals in your area.

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